Our retail roots are online, so our Seattle retail concept was dreamed through a digital lens. It’s being implemented that way too. Our retail shop will have a home page and a masthead and interactivity.
In that spirit, we endeavored: to leverage all of the content we have built over 5 years; to integrate technology in a useful (and hopefully not gratuitous) way to enhance the shopping experience; and to bring visual fluidity into a typically unchanging retail environment.
We can change our website design at our whim, but how do we incorporate change and changing art into our physical retail shop? How do we showcase the artists that we have right here where our retail shop will be?
Stretching across the top of the shop walls is a masthead composed of big chalkboards. It will be a place to create changing seasonal and contextual food art. Ryan came up with our original concept: a seasonal timeline that stretches from now until the Spring… and then we’ll pull it down and design another chalk mural soon after the New Year. Matt has been working on it for about a week, it’s about half way done, and it is coming out beautifully!!!
Check it out! More on our digital integration later…