We are so excited to get this specialty shop open. We’ve given a couple journalists a sneek peak and two three great stories just went live.
Hanna Raskin’s (@hannaraskin) Seattle Weekly article has some great coverage of how we’ve found all our new specialties. When she asked me whether I thought that Seattle artisans would be upset because we’ll be featuring out of town artisans (in addition to plenty of local ones), my first reaction was that I hope that Seattle’s artisans send me samples if they feel that way. Our shop is quality-forward, but if any Seattle products are as good as what I have on my shelves I will put my existing inventory on sale to blow it out and immediately replace it with with a local product. That’s a guarantee. Bring it, Pacific Northwest!
Glenn Drosendahl (@gdrose) provides a great overview of where we came from, who we are, and where we’re hoping to go in his Puget Sound Business Journal article. Check out his article for some information on how we’ll be integrating our online commerce with our brick & mortar shop. Our goal is to bring our website to life and simultaneously bring our rich recipe and technique content into the shop for an enhanced shopping experience.
Ronald Holden (@ronaldholden) over at Eater calls our new store “A Manifesto for Serious Seattle Cooks” in his article of the same name, saying “…Marx has more than a few tricks up his sleeve, starting with a unique array of “specialty” meats not previously available to home cooks (elk, venison, bison, boar, kangaroo, poussin, poulet rouge, squab, quail, pheasant).” Check it out!
More info to come soon… Oh, and if you live in Seattle, come see us next week because we’ll be open starting on Monday 11/26 from 11-7. Happy Thanksgiving!
To Justin Marx,
Delighted to read in PSBJ about your firm’s increasing success including now opening a most impressive retail outlet. As you are quoted in article, Seattle is an idea place to launch the store. Wishing you success.
All the best,
Don Vollmer
Thanks, Don. Please stop by when you are in Lower Queen Anne. I’d love to show you the shop.