When being an attorney is helpful

Since my job is not to practice law, people always ask me whether it was worth getting my law degree. The answer is invariably, Yes!

I don’t do very much legal work these days, but maybe it is 5% of my job … the worst 5%. It is the skills that I acquired in law school that have proved to be most valuable.

Today, I am reminded of this. On my desk sits a 4 inch binder that is overflowing with submissions for a recent contest. We asked bloggers to review our palm plates … we shipped out dozens of packages … and got dozens back. Now, it is my turn to do the work of selecting the best reviews.

The law degree is relevant in that I have ingrained in my mental capacity the ability to sit down, focus, and churn through mountains of paper. And, that is how I will spend the afternoon. Given that I could’ve just as easily been a practicing attorney, I will spend the afternoon thanking my lucky stars that I am reading creative works, rather than dealing with an actual legal issue.

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