Now a Test Can Tell If Your Pricey Cup of Cat Poop Coffee is Fake
Yep, that’s right, there are people pretending their coffee beans have been pooped by a cat when they haven’t. Just mull (brew?) that over for a second.
Now that you’ve wrapped your head around the concept of civet-poop-coffee-fraud…read this article to learn why people would want to pull such a “dirty” trick.
Bringing Home the Woolly Bacon from Hungary
Let’s be clear, the bacon itself isn’t actually wooly, the pigs are. This article discusses the heritage and wondrous properties of Mangalitsa pork – it also includes a fabulous photo of a mangalitsa pig, standing proudly like a stylishly coiffured porcine gentleman.
FDA Defining What ‘Gluten Free’ Means on Food Labels
Those of us who are gluten free or live with those on restricted diets know how tricky “gluten free” products and restaurant offerings can be. It can mean a lot of things and it isn’t always clear how gluten free they actually are. It sounds like the USDA’s finally stepping in to change that.
Ancestors’ Exposure to DDT May Contribute to Obesity
We hear about America’s Obesity Epidemic all the time…but this is the first time someone’s suggested that the cause is more complicated than processed/junk food. This fascinating (& horrifying) article suggests that the nation’s difficulty keeping the pounds off might not be entirely our fault and that personal genetics may be more complicated than previously thought.