A box of samples inspire a Homer Simpson moment. Mmmmmmm…
We get lots of samples, sometimes so many that we have to really put in the effort to properly taste test everything. I can just hear you all oozing sympathy for us. Rare is the sample shipment that still excites my jaded crew. Nothing like truffle products to perk us up.
This morning, we got a box of truffle products and fresh truffles from a new potential vendor. Since I don’t want to leave anyone out, we’ll wait until Katy gets back from vacation next week to test these out. For the curiouser among you … here’s a guide to tasting truffle products. The guide is specifically written for truffle oils, but it applies equally to other truffle products. And, if you want to take it to the next level … rather than rubbing the oil on your hand, rub it on your lover! I can tell you this: I will eat my wife up any day of the week, but rub some truffles on her and I’ll be all over her like a truffle-hunting pig on a pine tree.
To make sure we are constantly spreading the sample love around … We are looking for a product tester for a new line of risotto rices. Arborio is not necessarily where
it is at … that’s just the entry level. Then comes Carnaroli … then Vialone Nano. And, there’s also integrale. I have a little box of a cup of each of the four rices for one of you. All I ask in return is that you test them out and write a review on either your blog or ours…I would love an insightful articulation of the differences between the varieties. For a starting point, check out our guide to risotto rice. Leave a comment below if you are interested and I’ll hook someone up.
Am I interested??? Yep. Please put me on your list of wannabes.
ANYTIME you need someone to do anything like this, let me know! I love experimenting!
you know you can hook me and I will hook you right back –
Well, duh. Of course I’ll review risotto for you. It’ll help me figure out what to do with the rest of my mushrooms.
OH YES, PLEASE! I have some fall risotto recipes I’ve been wanting to try out!
Very interested. I’ll do 2 tests: (i) make the same basic recipe with all four products (ii) make 4 different risotto recipes with each of the rices based on the results of the first test. I’ll send you the feedback from my test kitchen.
I think you are gross.. Does your wife know you post personal things like that?
p.s. send me things
What’s up Kerry, my dear sister-in-law … Tara loves it. He he. Send you some things? Of course. What would you like?
Sorry Justin for calling your statements gross… She is my sister and I get protective, still 🙂
What would I like?
Do you carry jams? hahaha
I wish I had some jam for you, ker … but I think that someone over at France’s TSA equivalent is enjoying it. Check out this list … and email me with what you want: http://marxfood.com/looking-for-some-guest-bloggers%e2%80%a6/
Coconut Sugar? Because I’m so sweet 🙂
OK, then … if we are picking by your character type, I’ll be sure to add all the sweet stuff, some beautiful ingredients, a couple sour, a couple spicy and some shit that will make you laugh.