Our Market Research

Our market research pretty much consists of me giving people stuff to eat (I have very fortunate neighbors). I glean insights nonetheless, they just aren’t statistically significant. We had a whole bunch of samples left over from shooting our molded ice creams for the store. So, I figured that I would take them to my neighbor’s place where three cool, voracious ice cream consumers live. Actually 5. That’s Joe & Blake, sampling the ice creams.

They did teach me that kids are more interested in the fog created by dry ice than they are of the ice cream. Put the dry ice in hot water and you get this:

I don’t know why i hand’t put ittogether previously, but molded ice creams are an adult food. They are expensive, interesting only to adults for some reason, and the quality of the ice cream is actually really high.

PS. Speaking of market research: What do you think of when you hear “molded ice creams”? Do you think of that fuzzy stuff that grows in damp dark places? Should we call it something else?

3 Replies to “Our Market Research”

  1. Who needs statistical significance, really? (And as a future research scientist if we can forget I ever said that, I’d really appreciate it :P)

    I think that adults care much more about aesthetics than kids do. When I hear molded ice cream I think of exactly what it it is. Ice cream that has been molded. Not the fungal kind of mold. And hopefully most people would know you aren’t selling the fungal kind.

  2. “Cool Shaped Ice Creams” .. I think Molded is fine, but maybe it doesn’t spark the thought process you guys like at Marx Foods. Maybe somethign like Cool Shaped will fit your kind of dialog??

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