To say that I am proud of my little brother Garrett would be an understatement. Garrett who you first met here is exceptionally smart, likeable and sensible. He instinctively and effortlessly understands a lot of the things that it has taken me several books to arrive at that “a ha” moment. After many years of unlucky knocks (like cancer) and bad habits (like substances and slackerism), Garrett is really starting to step into his potential. The kid is a nascent ______________ (whatever he likes).
We took a chance on Garrett and promoted him from salesman (where he was taking the path of least resistance) to warehouse manager. He has enthusiastically embraced his new job with both brain and brawn to the point where I think he is even surprising himself. Now that Garrett is hitting his stride at the warehouse and has a little more time, he might start posting here and on our social media accounts a bit more. Below is his first post.
Well I’d love to tell you that from 9-5 I was on the phone working hard in sales, but I don’t like to lie. I can remember all the different ways and methods I learned in the art of “looking busy”.. I became a true professional, seriously, I could teach classes at Harvard in how to look busy. I would tell you some of the ways, but I plan on releasing a book and making millions, so I guess you have to wait until the book is published.
What a different life from Atlantic Highlands paper pusher, to Newark hard working fast moving warehouseman. Once again I prefer not to lie, so I can’t say “I remember that first day”… No quite differently, I can’t remember the last couple months. One big blur. Through the blur I learned a lot, I guess I had no choice. I had no choice because up till a few weeks ago, I did everything. I had no helper/worker, just me. Almost all of the shipping and much of the receiving for all 3 companies, all me. My big bro Justin was here the first couple weeks to help set up systems and help out, but that was it. And I tell you that a lot of people doubted me, probably almost everyone. I have a lot of self-doubt and insecurities, but I will tell you, I wasn’t worried. My mentality was “fuck it, I got this”. I guess my “fuck it” mentality actually paid off this time. And if you can’t take the heat of my conversation, get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Green labels, weights, dates, Market Select, Marx Foods, Cross Docks, Transfers, blablablabla….These words to me are like plus and minus to a math teacher. These words are my new life.
I also get to be a boss now. And you know what the coolest part is, I don’t have to be the asshole boss, I don’t have to be the pushover weak boss, I don’t have to be anything but the boss I want to be. Nice, respectful and if you mess around, GOODBYE!! I told my employee “the second I need to be a dick, you’re not doing your job. And that is when you will not be doing this job”. I don’t want to be the asshole boss, So I will not be. Or the boss that asks you a question in regards to you doing something wrong, just so he can hear you say it. Rhetorical questions are ridiculous.
I don’t feel like writing anymore, so I will stop. My bro Justin says “would you like to write things on my blog, you can contribute and start doing some work for Marx Foods”. Do you like to write as part of your job the guy asks me.. Hello Justin, just because I am now a hard working fast moving warehouseman, doesn’t mean I don’t like a little office punk work anymore.
aaaaahhhhhh, no bosses around me, no call list…. “how many calls have you made today” “get on that phone” “your only as good as your last sale” “I hear a lot of typing, not enough calling”.. aaahhhhhh, NO MORE!!!!
Go, Garrett, Go!
Thats what I do. Been doing it for the past 13 years. If you ever need some pointers or anything, let me know. BEST OF WISHES
Thank you steven. I appreciate it. As of now i’m letting my brain direct what to do. My whole life i did what i wanted, but in many ways i was always unsure and i always question myself. To be honest my brother Justins confidence in me really made me believe in myself and i’m just doing whatever i think is best and apparently my thinking is working. So i’m just running and gunnign right now. If i’m having frustrations or difficulties, i’ll be sure to post… Be Good and Be Safe
You’re so cool! Life is short and we’re so lucky to have a another chance at making a go at it. I have lung C that spread to the brain so I feel so grateful for a second chance. Rooting for you!
MOMGATEWAY………. Thank you for the response. We do not know each other, but we share and have shared some similar life experiences. I’m not going to argue with you about me being cool 🙂 LOL…. I really do appreciate it!! I’m rooting for you with anything in life you go for!!! You say ” I have Lung C, and your grateful for second chance”.. You are in remission?? I was 21 on my birthday in the hospital, so its been slightly over 5 years since i have been done with chemo/radiation. I am enjoying communticating with you and also anyone else out there!! Later MOMG, look forward to hearing from you again!!
Hi Garrett,
Sorry I have not logged on to the CEO’s blog in a while. No, I still have it but the recent PET scan shows it has not spread since it was first detected in April. I’m not going through chemo, just natural alternative treatments with healthy organic foods and natural dietary supplements. What I meant with being given a second chance was — I’m glad it’s cancer, not ruptured aneurism or a tragic car accident–so I still have time to enjoy the blessings of each day and my precious my family and friends. How are you doing? I hope Justin gets to post about you again soon. Take care.
From everything going wrong in your life and with major obstacles to overcome, to pickin’ yourself up when you (and others) thought there was no hope~~~~Wow!! What an inspiration to everyone who knows you. You’ve turned yourself around and carved youreslf a great life. My baby boy, you have made me more proud of you than perhaps any mom has ever been able to feel! Thank you for being such a great son! So nice to see you use your intelligence and common sense in business, as well as your empathy in dealing with those around you. So glad you have found yourself!~~a major key to happiness. Isn’t life grand?!
Ya can’t change the past but you have proven to all that you can change the present!! Now go kick some *@#! and show us the potential I know you always had!
P.S. Good thing you represent a great product~~~ I know how you don’t lie. Gee! Wonder where you got that from?
Dear MomGateway,
Glad to hear it did not spread!! And i do understand what you mean by a second chance, guess i have had many second chances. Sure we all have!! I can look back at so many things and think, “man, what if it went this way” because the end result of so many things was made up with so many little details, leaving so many ultimate options for a result. Life is amazing!! I did the chemo, 6 months and 2 months of radiation. If you dont need that stuff then great, but please in the event you get pains or feelings, get checked and if need get help!! My sis in law is a naturalpathic doctor and my bro really believes in all that and i’m very open and respectful of nature, so i dig that approach overall!! I am doing very good, new positioon is going very well (warehouse manager).. Feel healthy, bro keiths wife is pregnant, mom and dad are good, girlfriend good, every good!! Thank you for asking 🙂